Saturday, August 18, 2007

Inverted Pyramid structure

News writing styles
Like different kinds of leads, journalists can use different frameworks for organising stories:
Inverted Pyramid
Equal facts

Inverted Pyramid Style
Imagine a pyramid upside down
Broadbase- most newsworthy information, beginning
Narrow tip- least newsworthy- end
Start with a lead that summarizes the what, where, who…
Second para should pick on some element of the lead and elaborate on it
Third para may provide more details about the event
Final para sums up the remaining details

The story will contain all the essentials if the sub chops off the final para.
Logical connection between one and the next para. (word/words that are repeated)
To keep the flow smooth and logical
Each para should be short- two sentence maximum

Reader- lack of time, can skim the stories
Reporter- keep to deadlines as it is a simple way of writing
Sub-editor- can keep the story to any length
Tell the story quickly and clearly

Inverted pyramid structure is outdated
It is grotesque
The reporter is forced to follow a particular style as opposed to being creative
It gives the news three times- once in the headline, the lead and again in the body

Other forms
Chronology: a summary lead is followed by a chronology of events
Starting with the first, the body details the various stages in the story one after another
Is suitable for action stories: fire, accident etc.

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